Lost and lucky in the city

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Building a following via Twitter

Somewhere along the line I realized that being a social media consultant probably looks a lot more respectable if I put a little time into my own social media pages.  How can I endorse my talents when I haven't even built a personal following?

Now I am backtracking.  My passion for nutrition and food snobbery tumbles down my Twitter feed and Facebook timeline like an unrolled chain of xmas lights. But my professional background in social media - nowhere in sight. So today I put up an extra layer of lights to endorse my growing body of freelance work as a social media consultant.  My blog being a broken bulb will probably need the most work.  At least I kept the Twitter and Facebook up-to-date.

Lessons on Twitter surmised in under 8 hours (Mainly for the novice):

1. Follow influential people in your field and you will seem more influential in that field
2. Read the articles your retweeting aka post content that is engaging
3. Engage in the community versus tweeting your thoughts and feelings to the world
4. Don't be afraid to talk to strangers

Lesson I have yet to learn: Can one Twitter feed share two passions? Can I post a recipe one minute and a how-to guide on using LinkedIn as a marketing platform the next? Will keep you posted.

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